
WhatsApp Premium, what is and how it works?

10 November, 2022

WhatsApp Premium is the latest from the instant messaging giant. The technological world requires constant improvement, according to the global market and competition. Learn all about this new tool.

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What is WhatsApp Premium?

Recently, the company Meta (Meta, Inc.), owner of the WhatsApp medium, announced it’s pre-launch in mid-May, a new project aimed at its network of instant conversations.

We are talking about the latest version of WhatsApp, WA Premium.

Aimed at a specific audience and with a new type of modality. In other words, the chat app would become paid and focused on business

Shall we talk more about it? Stay tuned for our article.

Launch of WhatsApp Premium

The launch of WhatsApp Premium took place in October 2022, it is currently in the testing phase in Brazil.

The new update will have an exclusive subscription plan for companies or individuals who have businesses and trade through the app.

Perhaps the user wonders what are the advantages and benefits of paying for it? Who will have access to this type of service?

We will clarify everything in the following paragraphs.

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Whatsapp Premium targets

WhatsApp Premium was finally presented during the Conversations conference, aimed at business audiences.

Meta confirmed the new optional subscription plan for companies that work with the messenger, some of them are exclusive.

At the moment, the novelty is only available for some establishments that have the latest beta version of WhatsApp Business for Android or iOS (Test phase).

Systems that will support Whatsapp Premium

The new WhatsApp subscription modality, known as the Beta version, which is in the testing phase, will have the same operating system support as its popular version.

They are the following:

  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Mac or Windows

Advantages and benefits

The paid plan that is a first for businesses using the world’s largest messaging app is called WhatsApp Premium.

The user may wonder, what are the advantages of paying for something that is already free to use? What will be the advantages of using this new version of WhatsApp Premium?

We reveal some of the benefits that the account holder will have, we are going to cite just a few in the list below:

  • Possibility of creating a personalized link with the name of the company in the URL – which facilitates the contact of the clients in a more simplified way with the companies; Possibility to change the name of the links and the URL every 90 days;
  • Add up to 10 more devices to the profile than are currently allowed;
  • Among the novelties available for the App and for those who subscribe are the surveys;
  • Status update in chat list and more than one web connection (PC) with the same account.
  • It is important to note that charging for new features will be completely optional and should not appear in the personal profiles of the app users.

WhatsApp Premium benefits will be exclusive to paid business accounts.

The intention of the version is to make the platform more versatile for brands of different sizes and possibilities.

With a thoughtful approach to engage business audiences, allowing them to expand their online service capabilities and make business interesting for their customers.

Consumers who access the special link will be able to verify the phone number, just as they would the old web address.

Also, being a paid resource, it will hardly land for the average user. Being attainable in principle for a specific public and with the same interest.

Whatsapp Premium

Expectation of use and service of the platform

The new paid modality was expected and commented on by users and regulars of technology since April.

As specialized sites have already mentioned, the launch of the beta version, in this payment method, has just begun to be implemented in the application now, which is in the testing phase.

This tool allows users to operate similarly to what already happens with Telegram, a WhatsApp competitor, which helps replace the phone number with the nickname of the account holder.

Connecting to up to 10 different devices is a piece of cake: signing in on multiple devices will take care of synchronizing messages in each instance, ensuring access even if the primary cell phone is offline.

Without paying, you can link only 5 devices to the same account.

Price and availability

For now nothing has been officially revealed regarding the price of the subscription, the Meta company did not go into details. It will be better to be patient.

The company said in a statement that it will share more information in the future.

At this first moment, there are rumors that companies that choose to test the new feature will have to pay a small subscription fee that can vary between US$4 (approximately R$21) and US$9 (approximately R$47) per month, depending on the country of operation.

For now, no other services have been announced for this first stage of the final release of the new version, which may change over time.

According to Meta, all the information will be available soon so that users are well-informed about all the steps of the novelty.

It is not yet known when the services will be available and what the functions of the tools will be in detail.

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Benefits for your business

In this way, the work of the companies would be much easier and it would make the relationship with the client even closer.

Although the novelty does not appear definitively, businessmen continue to use the commercial version of WhatsApp in the same way that it is done today, with few exceptions.

However, already in testing, the version is already gaining traction and is in good demand by the business public in Brazil.

Public acceptance of the paid version

A survey commissioned by Mobile Time found that nearly half of Brazilians would be willing to pay for additional features on WhatsApp Business. Isn’t that awesome?

Of the respondents interviewed: 43% responded that they would subscribe to the paid version.

It is important to note that the additional features of the officially announced subscription are for businesses only.

There is great interest, the initial prices, which are suggestive, may change in the future when the functions are fully available to all users.

So the time to take advantage is now, especially if one of the above features is essential to the quality of your service.

It is important to note that the WhatsApp Premium subscription can be canceled whenever the user wishes.

All associated benefits will remain active until the end of the billing period.

Therefore, dear reader, the paid version has great advantages for the targeted audience.

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